Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Reading Response Refection

As far as all the readings went for the project, I think the “Photo Ops” article was the most interesting to read and pertained to our group word. The power point did very well to describe letters and vocabulary that I did not even know existed, like serifs and barbs, but they did not work as well to provide ideas that we could use when taking our group pictures. We already had in mind what we were going to do and we used those techniques to help convey the meaning of our word more fluidly. As for the photography essay, it was a lot of words for a visual topic. More photos would have helped convey the author’s point and meaning. As for the content itself, it was very interesting how the author presented his/her viewpoints of how photography has changed the way people look at the world. I also like how the author brought in examples from the American and Spanish civil wars to show they have affected warfare and documentation. Overall, it was a good essay, but it did not initially suggest what a photography essay should be. As for the rest of the readings overall, some were more helpful than others, but they all did their part to bring helpful ideas to the project.

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