Friday, September 24, 2010

Comic Reading

Honestly, reading a comic book is a lot more interesting than reading a book. Listening to a cartoon man informing me about why illustrations are important could not have been better expressed, and it was very helpful to see the different aspects of how cartoons are so appealing because they are so rudementray that anyone can see themselves in them. I also liked how cartoons could depict an emotion or feeling just by what it looked like. The thought of triangles representing cold or lightning bolts representing sour do not imediately jump out as go to ullustrations for emotion, but they definitely make sense in the drawing. Another side note I enjoyed was the whole section on this is not a pipe, this is not a person, food, number, etc. It does make sense in the literal tense that things are not real on paper, but it brings to life a great idea to what a icon is and what it does.

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